Is Truth Absolute?

Is Truth Absolute?

Is truth relative? Can I have my truth and you yours? Find out.

2 min read

Key Points

  • "Relative truth" does not make sense as a concept. Everyone has a perspective—things they might see or experience that others may not—but beliefs and statements are always true, false, or nonsense. Relative truth simply redefines truth as a personal belief, which is of course as stupid as redefining "literally" to mean "figuratively."

  • If nothing is true, then there is at least one true thing... This is self-defeating and false. Claiming that truth does not exist is like saying, "There is no such thing as cats," while holding a cat. There is nothing more absurd, yet many educated people say it.


To reiterate the second point: If someone says that there is no truth, he is claiming that he knows "the truth about truth." If he "knows" that truth is false, he has only disproved himself, for he has shown something to be true.

If you struggle to believe that the answers to this issue which many intelligent people argue about could be so simple, allow me to point something out: intelligent people have been lying and saying stupid things for all of history. They are just like anyone else. One person can know more things than another and be able to handle more complex thoughts more quickly, but that does not what he knows is true, nor does it mean that his additional brainpower has been used wisely.

The fact that you can understand anything is all the proof you need that truth exists and that we can recognize true things. If we could understand nothing, discussion would be entirely useless, and it is obvious to me that you should not waste your time listening to anyone who believes that he understands nothing and that nothing can really be understood by others. You are speaking to man trying to argue you both into insanity.

Pursue the truth with boldness.