Hinduism is best described as a collection of Indian religions with certain traditions, scriptures, and gods in common. Meditation, doing one's duty, praying to the gods, pilgrimages, and festivals are very important practices to most Hindus. Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahman are very popular gods. Scriptures include the Vedas, Upunishads, and Puranas, among others.
Is Brahman all things? Are we illusions?
Often called castes, the jati and varna have a bad name, but who or what is to blame?
What do the gods of Hinduism have to say about its truth as a religion?
The treatment of women in the scriptures and in practice can tell us something about the truth and goodness of Hinduism.
Could there be many paths to God? Is religious pluralism taught in Hinduism?
What is moksha? How do we know it is real? How does one attain it?
Do Karma and reincarnation make good sense of how our lives play out?
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